Dr. Irinel Casian Botez


Academic Degree: Professor 
Scientific Degree: Doctor 
Professional Degree: Engineer 
Other Titles:  
Researcher ID: WOS: A-3023-2011, ORCID: 0000-0002-9866-1821

Research Groups

Main Group: RF-OPTO (Microwave and Optoelectronics Laboratory)
Secondary Groups: RF-OPTO


Web pages
Professional: http://rf-opto.etti.tuiasi.ro
Personal: http://rf-opto.etti.tuiasi.ro/staff/icasian/index.htm
Professional: irinel_casian@yahoo.com
Phone numbers
Professional: 40-232-213737, ext. 237
Personal: 40-744-819967
Professional: Bd. Carol I, nr. 11, Iasi, cod postal 700506, Room I-5
Personal: P.O.Box: 1-178, 700642 Iasi, Romania

Main domains

main field: microwave CAD and microwace electromagnetic simulation
current research interests: electromagnetic simulation of microwave structures, modeling and simulation in nanoelectronics, applications of Internet technology. 

Secondary domains

other fields: fiber optic communication, nanoelectronics. 

Current Courses

Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits  CIMM  RD.IA.207  Course  details 
Advanced Techniques in the Design of the Radio-communications Systems  TAPSR  RD.IA.103  Course  details 
Optical Communications  CO  DOS409T  Course  details 
Optical Communications  OC  EDOS409T  Course  details 
Practica an 4  PRCT4  DIS420  Laboratory  details 

Other informations

Nationality: Romanian

Date and place of birth: 19 March 1955, Iasi, Romania

The Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi (Romania), Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunications, B.S degree in June 1980. Operational Amplifier Device Tester. GPA 10 (out of possible 10).
National Politechnique Institute of Toulouse (France), Department of Electronics (ENSEEIHT), D.E.A. (Diplome d'Etude Aprofondie) in July 1992. T.L.M. Method with random path.
The Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi (Romania), Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunications, Ph.D.in June 1996. Contributions to the Microwave Structures’ Evaluation Using the T.L.M. Method.

1984 to present Professor, Technical University "Gh.Asachi" of Iasi, Romania. Major responsabilities: courses in mirowave circuits design, optoelectronics, fiber optic communications. IT. Former positions: assistant, lecturer and assistant professor in microwave field and optoelectronics.
1982 - 1984 Electronic Research Institute, Bucharest, Romania. Project manager. Electronic device test equipment
1980 - 1982 Tehnoton Co. Iasi, Romania. Engineer. Manufacturing and production engineering

Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies
Recipient of academic scholarships from French Governement: October 1991 - September 1992
IEEE member
SIAM member

Number of papers in refereed journals: 16
Number of communications to scientific meetings: 41
Books: 10
Text Courses: 3 (in French) (teched at ENSEA - Cergy Pontoise - France)

Additional Information
Write and speak the French and English languages
Experience in Visual Basic, Visual C++, HTML, Java Script, Java, XML, Perl

Irinel Casian Botez, Daniel Matasaru, "Computer Networks and Internet", Ed CERMI, 2005, pp.125, ISBN: 973-667-141-0.
Irinel Casian Botez, "Fiber Optics Communications", Ed. TEHNOPRES, 2005, pp.109, ISBN: 973-702-077-4.
Irinel Casian-Botez, "Optoelectronic Structures", Ed. "CANOVA",Iasi 2001, ISBN 973-96099-2-9, pp.157.
Irinel Casian-Botez, "Microwaves", Ed. "CANOVA", Iasi 2001, ISBN 973-96099-5-3, pp.585.
Irinel Casian-Botez, "Theory and Design of Microwave Circuits", Ed. "MATRIX ROM", Bucharest 1998, ISBN 973-9254-87-X, pp.378.
Irinel Casian-Botez, "Fibre Optic Communications", Ed. "Gh. Asachi", Iasi 1996, ISBN 973-9178-40-5, pp.145.